Specificity / originality |
Guided by the facts or the event, the package answers the question: “What?” |
Sports coverage |
The package is defined by the question: “Where?” (Where is it taking place?) |
Current situation |
The package answers the question: “When?” (When is it taking place?) |
Timeline |
The package answers the question: “Why?” |
Investigation |
The package answers the question: “How?” |
Testimony |
The package answers the question: “Who?” |
Obituary |
The viewer is the main character: the package is dedicated to him/her. |
Info service (Just like it is for popularization, explanations are more useful if they go from what you know to what you don’t) |
The journalist is accountable for the package in the name of the newsroom. |
Column |
04. Highlighting the story thanks to appropriate treatment
For each story you much choose a genre that will bring out the freshness of the news, its specificity or originality. Just as if you were working for a newspaper, each genre obeys laws that give you shooting ideas and help make the right choices when editing. It’s a good tool to define the news director’s orders, to refine the angle and cover the news more precisely.