
Richard Pernollet

Nowadays a senior journalist and worldwide trainer for ESJ international and other organisms such as the Panos Paris institute, the GRET or [Est-Ouest consulting], he conducted over 60 missions in 25 countries as part of support programs to the media in countries in crisis (Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe).

For the ESJ, he has been since 2010 a thesis tutor for the Global Media Master co-headed by the IAE, the Ecole Universitaire de Management (Lille 2 University), the third year of which just started with Southern countries candidates.

Before that he worked over 20 years for Radio France as a reporter or news anchor for France Inter and France Info and as a manager in the local radio network France Bleu (thrice chief editor and twice director).

He directed many radio documentaries and also directs video documentaries.

“24 hours in the life of a radio newsroom” was written thanks to the help of Yves Renard, head of ESJ international, and Pierre Savary, dean of the ESJ Lille. We used our personal experience as journalists and managers to translate in simple words the basic principles and techniques of radio journalism.