
Alain Rollat

Alain ROLLAT has been a professional journalist for over 49 years. He began his career in 1963 in Montpellier, working for daily Midi Libre. A writer in Montpellier, Carcassonne, Perpignan and Paris, in 1977, he started working for the political department of Le Monde, of which he became the co-head before heading in 1992, the Media section (that he created himself), till, having become a managing editor and editorialist, he became part of the general management as vice CEO of the company. As such he headed the daily Centre Presse in Aveyron before voluntarily leaving Le Monde in 2001. In March 2006, he created La Gazette de Sète. Nowadays he’s a project manager or ESJ International. Alain Rollat also wrote a dozen books.